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[...] BPE Solutions GmbH has a very strong experience in implementation of Lean production systems and applying Six Sigma tools. BPES's very solid methodical and social competencies are key to coach and support the leadership team during the current change management process. After a very short familiarization phase, the presence of BPES - namely Mr. Torsten Tolle and Thomas G. Erb - helped to get leadership and employee engagement in the early phases of our "Lean journey", which is critical to our success. Their ability to work in teams with the employees at the shop floor level and their "hands-on" approach needs to be highlighted. Both are very well accepted throughout the entire organization at all levels. [...] The strength that they have provided is that they are both very experienced and able to deal both at shop floor level as well as senior management level. They are both very hands on and are always prepared to roll their sleeves up and show people exactly how it should be done, as well as then coaching and supporting people. It was essential when we started to have this "hands on" approach so that we have been able to prove to the staff that the changes are able to be achieved in a short space of time. This is part of the culture change to show people that "it can be done".
R.E., Director of Global Logistics